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How to make the most out of your website

You’ve been told the website has become the second most important channel for patients when they’re choosing a physician or a clinic, so you’ve hired some brilliant young guy to make sure your presence online is solid and you also paid him really good money because it was just something that had to be done. Either you have your own website as a doctor or healthcare professional or a company website for your medical practice, you know you have to have a one to be found by patients who are googling symptoms and physicians online. But are you actually making the most out of your website?

Having an online presence just to be online or because everybody has one nowadays is not a good enough reason to have a website. In fact, having a website and keeping it there like a mausoleum will only result in a waste of money because you’re not yielding any return from your investment. If a website is not SEO proof, it won’t come up in patients searches. And what’s the point of having paid for a website that nobody gets to see?

Here are a few tips that will help you make the time and financial effort to build a new website worth your while. By following these basic suggestions, you should be able to see your website grow not only in the number of accesses but also in the number of prospects enquiring for treatments and services.


  • Keep it updated. Add new sections and pages to tell people about the arrival of new medical devices and the latest treatments available. Fill them with details and description of how it works and the expected results. Update the opening time consistently and add the latest news to your homepage. This way the search engine algorithms will know your website is updated and active and it will be ranked better in the searches.

  • Write your blog. A blog or a news section is fundamental not only because you can keep your patients informed, but also because you create specific content around a condition or a therapy that can be recognised and read by search engines that will show it to patients looking for that specific content. For the best optimisation, you should update your blog at least twice a month.

  • Invest in strategic keywords. Investing a few hundred pounds in keywords definitely helps to position your website better against those words. You need to make sure you hire real professionals for this job who understand your core business very well and make an analysis of your actual ranking to suggest the best words to optimise your investment. Sometimes the most obvious keywords can be very popular with hundreds of searches per day but it doesn’t mean those terms are appropriate to convert website visitors into patients walking through the door of your practice.

  • Place links to your website online. That’s one of the most overlooked things. If you don’t post links to your website on social media - twitter and facebook; Instagram posts don’t support links! – associations’ websites or colleagues’ websites, your chances to get visitors are surely lower. Don’t use your social media to post only pictures and videos or even worse, articles from other websites that will drive your audience away from your practice website.

If you would like to chat with us about new strategies to improve or rebuild your website, drop us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or on Instagram and Facebook.